Saturday, 29 December 2012

Genius plan!

We thought of a genius plan to get around the weather issue- we incorporate the rain into the opening!!! Now bare with me now it makes a lot of sense ...
As you know our opening consists of our protagonist (Leanne) being in Trafalgar Square and making her way home on the train and by foot.

  • Trafalgar square - Time lapse
  • Starts to make her way home- walking slowly by foot to the train station
  • Gets onto the train - thinks people are staring and suspicious of her so starts becoming panicked
  • Gets off the train and starts to become even more panicked 
  • Hears a siren and starts to run 
  • Now as she its running it starts to rain and HEY PRESTO the weather issue is solved, it ends with her in a field (preferably forty hall) crying on the ground.
  • Then its the one week earlier.
So whenever it starts to rain while when we are filming Leanne must be running in the shot.
but we must get a shot of the sky before hand showing that it looks as if it is going to rain and also a gradual build up of rain. But of course its equipment first and will shall have an umbrella to make sure the technology does not get ruined, and then we will make sure Leanne doesn't get hypothermia or pneumonia!

But it is only an idea and may prove harder than just waiting for a clear day, however I've laid the cards on the table and we could use either options.
No longer a problem!

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